
Thursday 12 April 2012

Democracy Problem, The System Will Be Come Latter after.


1. Advantages
These are some of the advantages of “Tribal Democracy” government:
The centralised and oppressive policy making where all plans for exploitations (logging concessions, mining contracts and such) will disappear significantly; 
The feeling of being oppressed, manipulated or cheated by one tribe to the other or one group to the other will not exist in this kind of democracy; 
One or some tribes will have chances to become elite politicians and then become oppressors of their own people in  Papua New Guinea; 
Tribal conflicts and wars will be minimised. This is the main concern of the modern community. They think, “Tribal people will have tribal wars if they have their own governments!” They point out what is happening in PNG and some African nations. They do not know the real problem underneath all the conflicts in tribal community. “It is not because we live in Tribal community!” The reason is because the modern countries expose their principles and systems of government to the tribal communities. They expose “Western democracy” and this is the problem. This is the same as asking Moslems to eat pork. 
And when they refuse it, we brand them as “primitive.” If western democracy does not work well in tribal communities, then it is not because tribal life is wrong. It is because we are forcing the western democracy that works well in the UK and the states to the tribal people. It is, of course, perfect for the modern society, but is it also so for us tribal people?
We will live in harmonious relationship with fellow tribal people, inside each tribe and also with the international community as human beings and with all other beings on this planet.
This pattern represents our real life as tribal people. This kind of idea is rarely discussed by us, tribal people because we are manipulated by other powers beyond our consciousness. This is the most appropriate pattern of government for tribal people worldwide.

2. Some problems in this system
We have already being “brain-washed” by the capitalists in the modern world with a view that independent means having a President, Prime Minister, Ministers, Governors, Ambassadors, etc. Therefore, even tribal people will see this idea as “a weird concept.” Actually this capitalist system is a danger and disaster for the whole world of humanity and nature.
We already have plans to establish cabinets by copying modern types of governments; therefore, even tribal leaders may view this proposal as unrealistic. If this happens, they are the ones who will regret sometime later. 
Modern capitalist world will find this idea as a threat to them. They will do whatever they can do, either by destroying the idea, manipulating the view or even by obliterating the people who support such an idea. This is definitely going to happen. They have done so all over the world. This is not a secret anymore. The capitalists will approach, promote and help  Papua New Guinea people who can finally give opportunities for them to further exploit and destroy all the resources in the land of PNG. 
They will use any means they have, even by selling and supplying guns, jet fighters, giving training to intelligence and many others.
The modern community will create and provoke tribal wars within Papua New Guinea people. 
They will finally say, Tribal Democracy is inappropriate!” They will say, “Let us establish a democratic government!” which means a democracy that allows capitalists to exploit and kill the people. 
Now we have seen what happening in PNG with LNG, Mining. Who is earn benefit from these exploitation? Who get more compensation or benefits? Tribe community? Government? Company?
 Yu yet givim ensa.

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